Fullstack Software Engineer

Hello, my name is

Catrin Mentzoni

I am an enthusiastic and friendly individual with excellent communication and listening skills, who thrives when working as part of a team. I love learning new things, and I also love a challenge! I previously worked as a primary school teacher for ten years, but learned to code as part of the School of Code's Bootcamp 10 cohort - and I love it!


This Website

This portfolio site was made with Next.js and tailwindcss. My aim was to create a stylish and feminine personal site, which is easy to use and responsive on mobile devices. It was a steep learning curve - in which I spent hours upon hours learning about mobile-responsive containers and wrapping divs, but I am proud of the result :)

Bootcamper App

This is a social media app for School of Code bootcampers. Since our cohort consisted of over one hundred and eighty students, it was difficult for bootcampers to get to know their peers. I built this app during our week 9 project, working as part of a team of four. The app was created using a React front end, and a Postgres database. I enjoyed working with my team on this project. I created the high-fidelity wireframes, built React components and styled them using CSS. I also worked with a partner to deploy the front end, amongst many other things.

Tribe App

I worked as part of a team of 6 to create the Tribe mobile app, as part of our month long final project at the School of Code. This app assists with family organisation, and allows parents to assign chores to their children and other family members. We are building the project using React Native and Firebase. So far, as well as learning a new flavour of React, I have researched and implemented a testing environment and written tests, created a stacknavigator component and researched how to deploy and host apps via the Expo app store, amongst many other things.

Music Sales App

This is an app I built during an internship with the company Vista Health between January - June 2024. The app was developed for a large blue chip pharmaceutical company to display their global sales information. I built the frontend of this app completely independently using VanillaJS and Chart.js charting library. This application was designed to be viewed on desktop – due to the complex graphical data it displays.